Haws Shoot
Part of the mission of Unlimited Vision Photo Club is to find ways to give back to the community. Using our photographic skills, we are active in fundraising activities throughout the year.
Starting in 2005, the Unlimited Vision Photo Club and the Humane AnimalWelfare Society (HAWS) of Waukesha have worked together to photograph pets. With the help of Dennis Poeschel and his studio lighting equipment, the club has photographed Pets with Santa, pets with their owners and just pets. Our member volunteers get valuable experience in animal portraits and lighting equipment, and have a blast doing it. Through this endeavor we have raised funds for both HAWS and for our club. After Dennis’ passing in 2008, his wife Pat donated the equipment to the club so we could continue this project that Dennis helped start and loved doing..
Breast Cancer and Park & Rec Photos
Photos taken by members during the Waukesha Breast Cancer Walk are donated each year to be used in their promotional materials.
Members also volunteer to take photos of Waukesha Park & Rec events to be used in their literature, website and promotional literature.
Meeting Location - Citizens Bank, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Our club regular meetings are held at the Citizens Bank building located at 2109 Corporate Dr. in Waukesha. They generously offer the use of their community room for our use. This gives us an opportunity to obtain contributions from our members to be given toward a charitable event sponsored by the bank's employees. Each year we have been able to donate hundreds of dollars to public service organizations of their choosing.